Saturday, November 10, 2007

bummer of a weekend

If I think of the 3 most important things in my life at the moment:

  • relationship with girlfriend

  • health (emphasis on basketball)

  • work

at the moment, none of them are going too well. My girlfriend seems to be drifting further and further away despite my best efforts. My back is screwed up, so I don't think it's a good idea to play any ball this weekend - and I don't know how to fix this for the future. And work is stressing me out - seems my smooth working dynamic with my boss is in jeopardy.

Of course, I have ideas on how to improve each of these situations

  • working through communication issues with GF

  • bought core exercise books, thinking of going to a physical therapist

  • there's supposed to be a promotion available in my future, and I know that I can knock my current project out of the park

But I can't help feeling that maybe I need to reboot... drop everything, forget those priorities, and restart my life. Maybe the GF and I are meant to drift apart, I mean, it takes two to tango, and I feel like I've been doing a one person tango for the past month or two (and I'm a terrible dancer)... Maybe it is time to quit my job. My opportunity for doing something crazy - like moving to Japan for a year or more is most likely now or never. Even just keeping my career progress going; I'm not sure my current employer will support any further development.
Seems I'm totally unmotivated to fix up the condo and rent out the 3rd bedroom... That's going to erode my finances pretty quickly... Well, this place doesn't feel like a friendly home at the moment. It feels emotionally empty and instead full of junk...

bah! gotta do something with the weekend... can't just lay around - that will only make things worse!

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