Sunday, December 30, 2007


Saw Juno with MoM, bros and two of my MoM's coworkers today. It was pretty good... Had a fresh, but not quite edgy, brand of humor. I liked the portrayal of intense emotion probably better than most movies I've seen. It didn't totally deny the emotions, like a couple of movies, and it didn't blow them way out of proportion, as almost all hollywood movies do.
I can see a pro-life interpretation of the movie, but if that was the intention, I think it was totally appropriate. I don't classify myself as pro-life (I actually have a 3rd viewpoint), but if I was, this movie is exactly how I'd promote the position.

We went to a diner/cafe afterwards to chat and I realized that I miss home. Strange that I didn't really anticipate that feeling. Over the past few months, my condo really hasn't felt like home, but there is definitely something there that I miss now. Is it an affinity for the community of my coworkers and friends? Or perhaps just a sense of independence I might not have here? Do I miss San Diego itself?
And is that feeling a weakness?
Why is it so important to me right now to evaluate each feeling I have from a position of weakness or strength?
Perhaps I'm putting some kind of pressure on myself that I need to let go of...

I don't know why whenever I spend more than a day or two with my brothers that tension seems to build between us. That doesn't make any sense to me. They seem to have some kind of anger or perhaps jealousy towards me that doesn't have much to do with my actions.

...thoughts for another day - just relaxing for now - will sleep soon and dream of new beginnings.


Anonymous said...

What's the third viewpoint? - Missy

Stan Kurdziel said...

My viewpoint on the abortion issue is that a baby is alive at conception, but it's not independent life*. Until there aren't any negative practical concerns and there is a procedure to separate a fetus without killing it, it seems the law should allow abortions. Of course, if I personally knew anyone contemplating abortion, I'd try to convince them not to.

* As a wannabe physicist, it seems the most important criteria of life is importing negative entropy - an unborn fetus definitely fits this criteria.