Sunday, October 7, 2007

What is our status?

After returning from Savannah Friday night, my emotional levels have continued to be much more agitated than normal. Although it's been a rollercoaster up and down as opposed to just being down - so perhaps that's a reasonable improvement.
The first thing I had to tell her (I'll admit, I thought it out before) was that:
I understand that she's doing what she feels is right and I accept it.
That doesn't ease my pain, and I'll need to do a lot of healing, but it's my responsibility to do that.

She seemed happy to hear that. I almost added that I would only ask for her to not feel guilty, but re-thought that as I'm sure I'll ask for many other things before this suddenly unstable relationship stabilizes one way or the other...

After some relatively normal interaction, there was a question I needed to ask even though I didn't really want to hear the answer. Sometimes being completely uncertain of an outcome feels worse than becoming certain of a less desirable outcome. With that in mind, I had to ask what our current status is. The fact that she's moving out was understood; however, the specifics of what that means seemed up in the air. One time she'd say she can envision us working it out, and the next she'd say that she can't see a difference between "taking a break" and "breaking up". After a bit of discussion we settled on the status "a return to dating". Of course the reality is that the status is at her whim, and I'm not sure I'll be able to think of her as other than my girlfriend anytime soon...

I hate being clingy, but it's going to take some time to work through the sense of loss. Some of the more practical questions floating in my head involve how to describe what has happened, what I call her now, etc. I haven't talked to more than 1 or 2 people so far, but I definitely feel the need to discuss with more people. After my last breakup, it was the support of a wide group of friends that allowed me to move on. Even though I'm not quite ready to move on, if I keep all this bottled up, I'm likely to explode.


On to less melancholy thoughts:
I've been watching the last 5 episodes of Entourage tonight... Over the past 2 weeks I've been unable to feel excited about anything longterm, but Entourage is great short-term relief.
It's an amazing show in that (at least to me) it has such a different impact than almost any other show I've watched. Many shows that I like have unrealistic premises (space or time travel, or even just unrealistic portrayal of illegal activity), but Entourage seems like a very realistic portrayal of how 4 guys (one of them a successful movie star) would hang out and approach the world. I'm filled with a deep desire to scale my life to that level. I do want to meet and get to know the most interesting people free myself from the 40+ hour/week grind and fulfill my potential.

I know that I can do it - perhaps part of the reason behind this relationship shift is that I am getting a bit of a swift kick in the ass to remind me of that!

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